Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Labels: Asas Fotografi
Sumber asal : Halen Bradley
Often, the difference between a good photograph and a great one is how you compose the image in the camera's viewfinder. Here are five ways to instantly improve the composition of your photos.
2. Use lines to lead the viewer into the photo
Lead your viewer into the image. Use lines to lead the viewer's eye into the photograph. These can be fence lines, rows of light posts, stairs or a roadway leading into the scene.
3.Explore unique angles
Find a way to position your subject from a different angle than just straight ahead. Capture a portrait in a car mirror or a city streetscape reflected in a puddle of water or a shop window.
4. Get in close to the subject
Your subject is usually more important than the background, so move in closer. Use the camera's Macro feature (usually represented by a flower icon on a digital camera) so the subject remains in focus.
5. Get down low for children and animals
Get down low. When photographing children, small animals or even flowers, get down to their level so you look at them and not down on them.
Pelajari juga tentang :
Often, the difference between a good photograph and a great one is how you compose the image in the camera's viewfinder. Here are five ways to instantly improve the composition of your photos.
Apply the Rule of Thirds for a more interesting composition. Imagine a grid drawn over the image. Position the focal point of your photo at the point where two lines intersect--anywhere but the middle.
2. Use lines to lead the viewer into the photo
Lead your viewer into the image. Use lines to lead the viewer's eye into the photograph. These can be fence lines, rows of light posts, stairs or a roadway leading into the scene.
3.Explore unique angles
Find a way to position your subject from a different angle than just straight ahead. Capture a portrait in a car mirror or a city streetscape reflected in a puddle of water or a shop window.
4. Get in close to the subject
Your subject is usually more important than the background, so move in closer. Use the camera's Macro feature (usually represented by a flower icon on a digital camera) so the subject remains in focus.
5. Get down low for children and animals
Get down low. When photographing children, small animals or even flowers, get down to their level so you look at them and not down on them.
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thanks sis for visiting...saya cuma cameraman biasa saja...nothing speacial...article yg bagus...thanks for sharing...teruskan belajar...bukan senang nak senang...
tip yg berguna....(^_^)
akn ku gune..
blacks - akn terus belajar
yanie - tq sis..
farayha - gune jgn xgune
useful tips as always...
tapi still saye kekurangan kamera yg bagus...
h4air3e - nanti bleh beli..sbr dulu..blaja teknik dulu..gune cam bese pn xpe
yap.. agreed, simple yet very fundamental theory of good composition article.
good sharing sis
sydraz - tq bro..same2 belajar
ya, akhirnya da jumpa blog yang ada sedikit sebanyak ilmu berkenaan fotografi.
btw, saya just pakai Olympus Fe-330 je.
=) dari digital photography secrets ye? yep..i've been following these tips!great infos!
amat menarik artikel ni..
chapit - same2 kite belajar
catlinafly -
mus - teruskan membaca..moga dapat ilmu